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The Only Moving Tips You'll Ever Need

It's official...we have moved out of our home and are living at my parent's house. To be fair it's not as bad as it sounds. We have our own floor with a separate room for baby Drake and it doesn't hurt that my mom is a pretty fabulous cook.

Packing up and moving out of a roughly 4,000 SF house was definitely a chore and to be honest we're not 100% finished. We have taken what we need to live here and left a few stray items in the house that need to go into storage. Our closing date has been pushed back (again), so we aren't exactly in a huge hurry.

We did learn some pretty valuable lessons during this packing + moving process and I wanted to share the best packing & moving tips that made the process bearable for us in hopes that it will help you with your own move.

  1. Start with a Clean House - This is nearly impossible when you both have full-time jobs, a 9 month old and two large dogs, but as close to clean as possible will make your life easier. You don't want to pack away dusty furniture and then pull it out of storage and into a brand new clean house ( should have your new house cleaned prior to moving in. You never know what is hiding in someone else's carpet) Also, every time you move a piece of furniture you will be cleaning under it. Do yourself a favor a minimize the mess you have to clean up from the start.

  2. When Choosing a Storage Unit Consider Temperature Controlled - We are fortunate enough to have extra storage space in Neil's parent's basement, so anything we don't want to get overheated in a humid outdoor storage unit (pictures, paintings, books) we can store there. But if you don't have amazing in-laws who have recently finished their basement then you might want to spend the extra cash and get a temp controlled unit, especially if your items are going to be there for an extended time.

  3. Get Multiple Quotes from Moving Companies - I know it takes a little extra time & effort, but your bank account will thank you. Read reviews, ask friends, and get more than one quote. We ended up going with a company that my sister used after getting a quote from a different company that was twice as much...TWICE you guys! It saved us so much money.

  4. Start Early - Do I even need to elaborate?? As per any large project it's going to cost you twice as much and take twice as long as you think it will. If you have a large house and/or if you've lived in your house for a long time you will be amazed at how much stuff you've accumulated. We had five bedrooms and a basement full of stuff and we only lived there two and half years! Start early and incorporate packing into your daily routine. Bachelor night? Pack up the decorative items in your family room on commercial breaks!

  5. Large Boxes Aren't Always Your Friend - It seems logical to just go out and buy a ton of huge boxes and stuff everything you can into them, however someone has to move those bad boys and they will get very heavy very fast, Buy a variety of boxes and pack smart. We used super small heavy duty boxes for books and it worked out so much better. They are easy to stack and anyone (read: me) can move them.

  6. Moving is the Perfect Time to Purge - Clothes, spices, pantry items, wrapping paper, condiments, etc. Go through each and every item and don't be afraid to T-O-S-S. We have made multiple trips to the thrift store and thrown away more expired spices then I care to admit. It feels great to pack less and be able to start fresh in a new place.

  7. Fill The Tops of Your boxes with Packing Paper - This tip came from a professional moving company that my in-laws used. Again, you don't necessarily want to pack your boxes full to the top, but you need them to be sturdy enough for transport & stacking. Use packing paper to fill in the empty space at the top of your boxes to make sure they don't get crushed in transport.

  8. Buy Stretch Wrap - Huh? Yes...stretch wrap. You will thank me later. Wrap your furniture, the edges of large pictures or mirrors, keep your rugs together, etc. The possibilities are pretty much endless. It also comes in a small version which is super handy.

  9. Label Carefully - This tip is especially important if you're using a moving company. Label the box for where they go in the house, not just what's inside. If I pack up all of Drake's books from him nursery, but I just write "books" on the box our movers wouldn't have a clue where to put that box and who knows how long it would take for me to find it. Instead I wrote "Books, 2nd Floor, Back Bedroom." I do recommend including what's inside, but that's mostly for you. Moving in can be stressful and when you need that one dang box that has your extension cords the title "Misc." isn't really going to help you.

  10. Work Extra Time Into Your Contract to Move - If you are moving from one home directly into another work some additional days post closing in to your contract, so that you can move without paying for storage. Unfortunately for us, our moves are about a month apart so this wasn't an option for us, but if you can make it work it will save you a ton!

  11. Pack Linens in Contractor Clean-Up Bags - Yes I do mean the thick black trash bags. Shove in your sheets, pillows, towels, whatever and label accordingly. You will save time, energy, and money on boxes :) Plus, you will no doubt accumulate trash as you move in and these unpacked bags can serve double duty for you.

  12. Move Your Valuables Yourself - No matter how much research you do, or how many glowing reviews you read of a moving company, accidents happen. We packed up our photos, jewelry, family pieces, etc. ourselves and moved them all as well. Since we aren't moving directly in to another house these items either came with us to my parent's house, or are currently living in Neil's parent's basement. Either way we know exactly where our valuables are and we won't have to worry about loss, theft, or damage.

  13. Plan Your Meals Around What's In Your Freezer - Just like your closets, your freezer can become a hiding place for items you forgot even existed. As soon as we had a contract on our home we started cleaning out the freezer. We ate some pretty odd meals and did end up throwing away some freezer burnt and verrrrry expired items, but we did put a good dent in what we built up and we saved a ton on groceries.

  14. Don't Forget about Changing Your Address & Notifying Your Utility Providers - There is a whole host of people that need to know about your move- none of which are your friends or family, but I do suggest that you notify them as well. It's easy to forward your mail temporarily or change your address permanently on the USPS website and you can sign up for coupons and discounts on products or services that you will likely need for your move. Also, make a list of utilities that you need to shut off and/or transfer. Be aware of contracts you might have with these services, as there might be fees for breaking your contract.

If you have a moved planned I hope these tips will help make it a painless process for you and your family!

Do you have any great packing or moving tips that weren't shared here? Leave them in a comment and help out your fellow movers...


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