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Galentine's Day Gift Guide

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Galentine's Day is just around the corner! If you don't know what Galentine's Day is stop reading right now and go binge watch every episode of Parks & Recreation and then get back to me. You could also just watch this, but I highly suggest the binge watching. Galentine's Day is celebrated every February 13th and as Leslie Knope would say it's all about ladies celebrating ladies. I LOVE to give random unexpected gifts, so this made up holiday is the perfect excuse for me to spread the love to some of my favorite ladies. In true knope fashion I've created a detailed Galentine's Day gift guide to make shopping for your favorite ladies, or yourself, a breeze!

I am going to have to stop myself from buying all of these items for myself! I haven't jumped back on the scrunchie bandwagon yet, but I kind of love this satin one and who doesn't need heart shaped waffles every morning?

I Hope you all have an amazing Galentine's Day and remember... "when women support each other, incredible things happen."


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