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2021 Reading List

I know everyone is about to be incredibly impressed, but I read FOUR whole books last year. Yes, I know... I'm amazing (one of them was the Moms on Call toddler book, so I'm not even sure that counts). I love to read, but finding the time is definitely a problem for me. Pre-baby I would get my reading in while on vacation. I would read whole books in a couple of days sitting in a beach chair, but those calm, relaxing days have given way to chasing a curious toddler around the beach and worrying about whether he's gotten too much sand in his mouth. Now my reading is confined to the hour before I go to sleep and even that doesn't happen often. All of this to say that my goal of reading six books this year will be no small feat.

My reading selections used to be solely just for fun. I read purely for entertainment and it wasn't until I discovered Rachel Hollis on social media that I even thought about reading anything from the "self help" section. Since then I have read multiple titles from this genre and it's safe to say I'm hooked. I'm always fascinated by the routines and habits of highly successful people and love getting a dose of wisdom or motivation from experts, or high performers. I do still enjoy a good just for fun book, so when I was selecting my picks for this year I made sure to throw in a couple of fun reads.

Some are old, some are new and some you may have never heard of, but here is my 2021 reading list...

  1. "How to Break Up With Your Phone" by Catherine Price I can't remember where I saw this advertised, or who was talking about it, but I am absolutely addicted to my phone (especially Instagram!) and would love to work on breaking that habit. This book takes you through the psychology of why most people are addicted to their phones (eye opening) and then a plan to help you break it off.

  2. "Untamed" by Glennon Doyle A #1 NYT Best Seller - If you haven't heard about this book you may have been living under a rock! It was published in 2020 and is full of inspiring insight on trusting your own voice, shedding the weight of what others think and what it means to be a woman in today's world. Really looking forward to this one!

  3. "The Proposal" by Jasmine Guillory Another NYT Best Seller, I grabbed this title from Reese Witherspoon's book club list. Set in the backdrop of LA, a very public proposal refusal turns into a rebound fling with a handsome doctor. If you've ever read (or seen the movie) "The Wedding Date" this is by the same author, so it's bound to be amazing!

  4. "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown If you haven't watched "Brené Brown: The Call to Courage" on Netflix you're missing out. Another NYT Best Seller, this book walks us through the power of vulnerability in every aspect of our lives (leadership, relationships, parenting, etc.) and dispels the myth that being vulnerable means being weak. In fact Brown argues that vulnerability is actually courage.

  5. "Grit" by Angela Duckworth You guessed it - a NYT Best Seller, "Grit" is all about the power of perseverance. Duckworth uses history, her own personal experience, as well as interviews to prove her hypothesis that passion and long-term perseverance beat out "genius" any day. In a world where everything seems like an "overnight success" I think this will be a great reminder on what it actually takes.

  6. "The Guest List" Lucy Foley Another fun pick from Reese's book club and another NYT Best Seller this book takes us to a remote destination wedding where a seemingly perfect weekend for a seemingly perfect couple brings out jealousy, awkward feelings, resentment and ultimately ends up with someone dead. I can't wait to dive in to this one!

I've already started reading "How To Break Up With Your Phone" (the insight behind why we're all addicted to ours phones is fascinating) and I did not list these titles in any particular order, but I'm really excited to read "Untamed" so maybe I'll just go straight down the list!

What's on your 2021 reading list? Maybe I'll add them to next year's list because let's be honest...I may not even get through these six this year!


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