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Meet Haley

Tolbert & Co began in 2018 as a way to share my love for all things home and family. I have a background in event management and public relations and work part-time for a boutique marketing firm. I am married to an amazing man, Neil, who is the chief builder and maker around here. If I can dream it up he can make it happen. In September of 2018 we became parents to our sweet baby boy, Drake and we also share our home with two fur kids, Lola and Piper.

For as long as I can remember I have loved all things home. Whether that's designing beautiful spaces that actually function for a family, making a meal that's delicious & quick, getting organized, or navigating being a new mom. I'm on a mission to optimize our life at home while finding more joy and less stress in all the crazy. I hope you'll follow along.


© 2018 Tolbert & Co.

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